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Configuring Your Software Recorded Class
Navigating the Software Recorded Class
Sensei Cloud uses the whole screen to help you view and manage your office. A progressive display provides the level of detail you need when you need it, while the top of the window displays what you need most. When you log in to the software, you see the Sensei Cloud main window, with the Checkout Queue on the left side of the screen and the Patient Search field and User menu on the right.
Within each area of Sensei Cloud, much of the information displayed is a link. Hover the cursor over an item; if it changes from an arrow to a finger, you can click there for more details and options.
Checkout Queue
On the upper-left of the screen is the Checkout Queue and the number of patients in the queue. Hover the cursor over a name to see more information. Click the name to display the Checkout window for the patient.
Note: Queued appointments are only visible for today and yesterday. To view additional appointments, navigate to the patient's Home tab.
Patient Search
On the upper-right of the screen is the Patient Search field. Enter identifying information---such as a patient’s name, address, date of birth, or phone number---and then select from the results.
Note: You must enter at least three characters to receive search results.
Click the patient's name to view the Patient Snapshot and more options. If the patient is not in the system, click Create New Patient. See How to Search for a Patient for more information.
Patient Snapshot
The Patient Snapshot can be accessed from any of the patient's tabs (Patient > Home [or any other Patient tab] > Patient Mini Card > click Patient Name). The snapshot provides a quick look at important patient information, such as their date of birth, phone number, preferred pharmacy, and more.
The following tabs are available from the Patient Snapshot, and you can view patient information or take various actions (e.g., book an appointment, enter their last bitewing date, etc.):
Pt Info (Patient Info): Includes important information such as the patient's preferred location, referral source, as well as important dates (e.g., Last BW (US), Last Small Radiograph (UK), Last Visit, etc.).
--You can manually add or edit the First Visit or the Last X-Ray dates by clicking the Pencil icon.
--For the X-Ray dates, any manually saved date updates will be overwritten the next time an applicable X-Ray transaction is posted to the patient's ledger. - Snapshot: Provides a quick look at the patient's current balance, Recare status, appointments, insurance coverage, etc.
- Contact Info: Includes the patient's email address, home address, preferred doctor, and more.
- Medical Alerts: Displays the patient's existing medical alerts and allows you to add more or edit the existing.
- RTT (Referral to Treatment): Any waiting lists that the patient has assigned in their patient record are displayed here.
- Notes: Notes specific to the patient are displayed here, and you can also add new by clicking Add Note.
There are also several quick links in the upper right corner that allow you to perform actions such as sending the patient an email or viewing their clinical chart.
User Menu
On the upper-right of the screen is your User Name/ID. Click this to access the User menu, from which you can customize individual settings, access administrative settings, contact support, provide feedback, and access additional information such as community forums, general discussions, and online help.
The User menu includes:
- My Settings — Displays information about the staff member and a list of all staff members. Depending on your user permission, you can create and edit staff member information.
Administration — Displays information about the practice. From the Administration tab, you can
set up most of the functions of the practice, if you have user permission. -
Dashboard — Gives you a quick look at the practice statistics. From the Dashboard tab, you can
run reports, if you have user permission. - What’s New — Provides access to release notes on the Carestream Dental Exchange.
- Get Support — Enables you to search online help and opens a live chat dialogue box so you can speak directly to a Support representative during regular business hours.
- Submit Feedback (User Voice) — Provides another way to send a message to Carestream Dental and give general feedback, report a bug, or request support.
- Logout — Logs you out of the software.
- Version — Displays the software version of Sensei Cloud that you are using.
- Features — Displays the features that are enabled for your Sensei Cloud software (e.g., Advanced Referral Tracking, Oral Surgery, OS Medical Billing, etc.). Contact a Carestream Dental representative for more information on the available features.
Clock In / Clock Out
For hourly employees, the Clock In/Clock Out icon is displayed next to the user name. Hover over the icon to view your status. Click on the icon, and then click Clock In or Clock Out.
Tip: You can also enable the options to automatically clock in on log in and automatically clock out on log out.
The Clock In/Clock Out icon turns green when you are clocked in, and the time of the last clock in is displayed.
For more information regarding timecards, see How to Access Team Timecards.
Active Tabs
When you log in, the Location tab is always displayed first on the left. Each active location and patient selected is displayed in a row at the top of the screen to indicate that the records are open until you close the tabs. The Administration and Dashboard tabs are also displayed here when in use. The currently displayed tab is black; additional active location tabs are purple; and active patient tabs are blue. Click a tab to return to that location or patient, or click the X on the tab to close it.
The menus, options, and information displayed in the main panel depend on what you have selected.
Note: Click the + on a Location tab to display a list of other locations in the practice.
Note: Click the shield icon to enable/disable the HIPAA privacy display on the Schedule.
Location/Patient Home
When you select a Location tab, the menu bar displays your work area choices. In this illustration, Home is selected, the Location Home dashboard is displayed, and the Actions panel displays options.
The Home options and information are different when you select a patient (Patient > Home).
From here you can view important patient details (e.g., date of birth, contact information, responsible party, outside doctors, waiting lists, etc.), manage appointments, insurance information, notes, and more. The heading at the top of the screen provides you with a quick look at the patient's balance, treatment plans, recare schedule, and connected patients.
Use the links in the Actions column to perform actions for the patient such as scheduling an appointment, updating their patient record, or sending them an email or correspondence, etc.
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