Related Training
Checking Patients In and Out Recorded Class
Use the Seated Queue to monitor the status of in-progress appointments and request provider attendance. The queue serves as a kind of "light bar" to alert doctors when the patient is ready for their final examination or has been prepped for a restoration.
The Seated Queue displays appointments that are currently seated, in left-to-right order, based on the chair arrangement in the Schedule Day/View. When a patient is seated, the appointment is automatically added to this queue. Queue tiles display the patient name, appointment type (or scheduled procedure codes), and the remaining appointment time. The number in parentheses indicates the number of open tiles in the queue.
Note: When there are more active tiles than space allows, hidden tiles can be viewed using the left/right scroll arrows. If a hidden tile is flashing, the arrow also flashes to alert you.
The remaining time is calculated based on the appointment’s scheduled end time and color-coded to communicate its relative priority:
- Black = More than 95% of the appointment’s scheduled time remains, or the patient was seated before the official start time (e.g, running ahead of schedule).
- Green = More than 5% of the appointment’s scheduled time remains.
- Yellow = There is 5% or less of the appointment’s scheduled time remaining.
- Red = The scheduled end time of the appointment has passed (e.g., running over / behind schedule).
Note: Appointments are added to the queue automatically when the patient is seated, and then to the Checkout Queue when the appointment is marked as complete.
From the Seated Queue, you can:
Hover over a tile to display details including patient name, assigned chair, scheduled start time, assigned providers, appointment type (if applicable), scheduled procedures (if applicable), and appointment time remaining.
Click on a tile to display a popover that provides additional detail, including when the appointment was seated. From here, you can access the Call Doctor button.
- Click Call Doctor to alert the provider that they are needed, or the patient is prepped and ready for the exam or procedure. The tile will begin flashing the doctor’s assigned color, communicating where the doctor is now needed. The "call event" details are added to the tile, along with the Mark As Here button.
Note: The doctor’s assigned color can be managed in the Team Member record (Administration > Team > Team Members). - Click Mark as Here when the doctor arrives to a flashing appointment.
Note: A doctor can be called to multiple appointments (chairs) concurrently. The queue tiles will flash in the order the calls were placed, with the next appointment flashing once the previous call has been answered (e.g., marked as here) or cancelled. - Click Mark As Done to indicate the appointment is complete. The tile is then sent to the Checkout Queue.
--Queued appointments are only visible for today and yesterday. To view additional appointments, navigate to the patient's Home tab or the Schedule Day View.
--If the logged-in user is a doctor or hygienist, the appointment tiles are filtered to only display their appointments.
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