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Working with Treatment Plans Recorded Class
You can create a treatment plan from the patient's Hard Tissue Chart (US) or Dental Chart (UK) in Planning Mode, or from the Treatment Plans screen. You can also create groups to provide structure and sequence to a proposed course of treatment, enabling you to more efficiently communicate and schedule the plan.
You can access a list of Unmanaged Procedures and add them to a plan, create a pre-authorization claim, print them out, or schedule them directly.
Access a patient's treatment plans from the appointment card, or use the location's treatment plan work list to manage plans and schedule procedures.
From the Hard Tissue Chart/Dental Chart
To create a new treatment plan from the patient's chart:
- Select Patient > Clinical > Hard Tissue Chart/Dental Chart.
- Under Mode, select Planning. Unmanaged Procedures is displayed by default if no other treatment plans exist for the patient.
- Click the Plus sign + to create a new plan. The Create New Treatment Plan window is displayed.
- Enter a unique name for the new plan and click OK. The new plan becomes the Current Plan.
- Begin charting by selecting Tooth, Surface, or Region.
- Select the Type of procedure, then the procedure code from the list.
Note: To add additional procedures, click Add Code in the Tools section. - Continue adding procedures to the plan. Each proposed procedure is added as a note in the Clinical Notes section of the left panel and saved automatically with the plan.
To edit a plan from the patient's chart:
- Select Patient > Clinical > Hard Tissue Chart/Dental Chart.
- Under Mode, select Planning.
- Select the plan from the Current Plan drop-down list.
Note: Procedures that have been proposed but not added to a plan are found under Unmanaged Procedures. - Click the pencil icon to edit the selected plan. The Viewing Treatment Plan window is displayed.
- Click the pencil icon. The Manage Treatment Plan window is displayed.
- From here, you can rename the plan; select or change the Plan Provider; assign procedures to a group; add a new group and procedures; or re-order, edit, add, or delete procedures from the plan.
Note: You can use the copy icon to add another instance of a procedure to the list. - Use the Patient Notes field to enter any message about the plan you want to convey to the patient when the treatment plan is printed.
- Click Save Changes.
From the Treatment Plans Window
To create a new treatment plan from the Treatment Plans window:
- From the Patient tab, click Treatment Plans. The patient's treatment plans are displayed.
- Under Actions, click Create New Plan. The Manage Treatment Plan window is displayed.
Note: If procedures have been proposed for the patient but not added to a treatment plan, they appear in the patient's list of Unmanaged Procedures (Treatment Plans > Actions panel), and are displayed here for selection.
- Enter Plan Name, Plan Provider, and Notes to identify the plan.
- Use the Group Name section to create one or more groups and add procedures, to organize the visits in the plan.
- Use the Search to add procedures field to select and add procedures to the plan.
Note: The procedure list that is set as the default is displayed automatically. You can use the drop-down list on the right to select a different list of procedures to search from. See How to Use Multiple Procedure Lists / Fee Schedules for more information.
Note: To change the procedure order, click the Move icon to the left of the procedure. You can click-and-drag the procedure to reorder in the list. - When you have finished, click Create.
Note: Once the treatment plan is created, you can send a pre-authorization claim for one or more of the included procedures. See How to Get Prior Authorization for Treatment Planned Work for more information.
To edit a plan from the patient's Treatment Plans list:
- From the Patient tab, click Treatment Plans. The patient's treatment plans are displayed.
- Select the plan in the list you want to edit. The Viewing Treatment Plan window is displayed.
- Click the pencil icon. The Manage Treatment Plan window is displayed.
- From here, you can:
-Rename the plan
-Assign procedures to a group
-Add a new group and procedures
-Re-order, edit, add, or delete procedures from the plan
-Complete individual procedures by clicking the green checkmark icon
-Complete the procedures and plan as a whole by clicking Complete plan and procedures
Note: You have the option to enable Sensei Cloud's auto posting feature if you want to auto-post charges upon procedure completion. See How to Auto-Post Completed Procedures for more information.
-Use the Patient Notes field to enter any message about the plan you want to convey to the patient when the treatment plan is printed. - Click Save Changes.
Capturing an Electronic Patient Signature for a Treatment Plan
Sensei Cloud supports the capture of a digital patient signature for a treatment plan using a Topaz® electronic signature pad.
See How to Digitally Capture Treatment Plan Signatures for more information.
Working with Unmanaged Procedures
When procedures have been proposed for a patient, but not yet scheduled or added to a plan, they are saved in the patient's Unmanaged Procedures list. Use the Manage Treatment Plan window to add them to a plan.
To edit unmanaged procedures:
- Select Patient > Treatment Plans> Unmanaged Procedures. The Edit Unmanaged Procedures window is displayed.
- Click the pencil icon. The details become editable.
- From here you can:
- Search for procedures to add to the list.
- Click the copy icon to add another instance of a procedure to the list.
- Edit Tooth/Quad or Surface details.
- Add an ICD10 diagnosis code.
- Change the fee.
- Mark the procedure as complete (green check) or remove it from the list (red x). - Click Save Changes.
For more information, see How to Access the Location Treatment Plan List or NHS Treatment Planning.
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