Sensei Cloud allows you to reopen and fully edit NHS treatment plans that have been marked as completed.
You can uncomplete a treatment plan from the patient's Treatment Plan. You can also link to the Treatment Plan screen directly from the View Treatment Plan link which is located on an NHS claim which you can access on the Claims Management list (Location or All Locations > NHS Claims > Claims Management OR Patient > NHS Claims).
NHS Courses of Treatment can only be uncompleted when associated with a dental (non-Ortho) claim in a Not Ready or Deleted state and there is no other current NHS (dental) Course of Treatment in an Accepted state.
Note: Private treatment plans can also be uncompleted.
Patient Tab
To uncomplete a treatment plan:
- From the Patient tab, select Treatment Plans.
- Select the completed treatment plan. The Viewing Treatment Plan window is displayed.
- Click Uncomplete Treatment Plan. In some cases, a confirmation message is displayed.
- If you receive a confirmation message, click Uncomplete Treatment Plan to proceed.
Note: The preceding image is example of a confirmation message, but it varies based on the state of the claim.
The treatment plan is updated to an Uncomplete status in the Dental Chart and Clinical Chart (EMR) as well.
Note: The NHS claim will be updated accordingly with the updates to the Continuation of Treatment when it is recompleted.
Claims Management List
You can also access a patient's Treatment Plan from its associated NHS claim (Location or All Locations > NHS Claims > Claims Management).
Select the claim from the list. The Update NHS Claim window is displayed.
Click View Treatment Plan to navigate to the associated Course of Treatment. The Viewing Treatment Plan window is displayed, and from there you can uncomplete the plan, if required.
See NHS Treatment Planning for more information.
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