The Sensei Cloud Springboard includes a widget you can use to track an NHS contract's progress towards its UDA target. The NHS Contract Tracking widget provides a visual overview of a contract’s current status, along with a categorized breakdown of UDAs by NHS claim status.
Widget features include:
- A progress bar with current percentage towards UDA target completion. This bar is red until the performed UDAs are within 5% of the contract’s (or performer’s) associated target. Once within 5% of the target (e.g,. 95 - 105%), the indicator turns green. Additionally, a numerical summary is provided. As UDAs are performed, the bar becomes progressively green, indicating that an increasing percentage of the target UDAs (in yellow) has been fulfilled.
- A summary of performed UDAs, broken down by NHS claim status. This includes all UDAs associated with NHS claims that are Not Ready (N/R), Ready to Send (Ready), Sent, Adjusted (Adj.), and Settled (Set.).
- Each of the bar graph’s status titles is a hyperlink to the Claims Management screen (Location Tab > NHS Claims > Claims Management). The widget’s filters are automatically applied.
- The Settled (Set.) hyperlink directs you to the Recently Settled Claims screen (Location Tab > NHS Claims > Recently Settled Claims).
- The footer includes UDAs associated with rejected NHS claims.
Note: These UDAs are not counted in the overall progress towards the contract’s (or performer’s) target. Once any rejected claims are corrected, resubmitted, and processed, these UDAs are then reflected in the status data.
Adding the Widget to the Springboard
You must be an Administrator to assign widgets to users. To add the NHS Contract Tracking Widget to a user's Springboard:
- From the User menu in the upper-right corner, click Administration.
- From the Administration tab, click Dashboard. The Dashboard Administration screen is displayed.
- Select the user for whom you are adding the widget. The user's Available and Selected widgets are displayed.
- Under Available Widgets, click the blue arrow next to NHS Contract Tracking. The item moves to Selected Widgets.
Note: You can select this widget multiple times to display and compare side-by-side contract activity on the Springboard. - For each Dentist with the NHS Contract Tracking widget selected, you can also select or deselect Show all NHS claims data underneath the widget.
- Select this option to allow the Dentist to view all claims data.
- Deselect this option to ensure the Dentist only has access to their own claims data.
Note: If the user is not an NHS Dentist, this restriction does not apply.
The widget is displayed on the user's Springboard.
Customizing the NHS Contract Tracking Widget
Individual users can customize their widget(s) on the Springboard. The Settings cog enables you to select filters for the information to display for each instance of the widget.
To customize a widget:
- From the User menu, select Dashboard > Springboard.
- Select the Settings cog in the upper left corner of the widget. The filters are displayed.
- Select the Location, Contract, and Provider to track.
- Click the cog again to close the filters.
For more information, see How to Add an NHS Contract and How to Change Which Widgets Are Viewable in Springboard
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