Related Training
Posting Charges, Payments, and Adjustments Recorded Class
You can adjust a patient's balance using a discount, write-off, or refund. You can do this directly from the patient's Ledger, from a location's Accounts Receivable worklist, or from the Post Adjustment option on the Checkout window at the time of service. You can also adjust the balance of a pending Ortho Contract.
Note: When a patient's insurance information is stored, Sensei Cloud automatically calculates the patient and insurance amounts due for entered procedures, based on the plan's Allowance Table. You can use the Write-Off tab of the Adjust Balance window to enter insurance-based write-off details.
Note: When the total and patient due amounts are displayed in blue (hyperlinked), you can click them to view the Insurance Estimation Details table for the patient's plan.
Adjusting the Balance From the Ledger
- From the Patient tab, select Financials > Ledger.
- Under Actions, select Adjust Balance. The Adjust Balance window is displayed.
- Select the type of adjustment: Discount, Write-Off, or Refund. The appropriate entry fields are displayed.
When you select Discount:
- Select whether to apply the discount to the Total Balance or Today's Balance.
- Select the Provider for the procedure being discounted, and the Location to apply the adjustment.
- Use the Date field to enter the service date for the discount. This defaults to the current date; however, you can enter a previous service date. The Ledger will reflect both the service date and the transaction date that the adjustment was entered into the system.
- Select the Discount Type from the list, or click Edit to create a new type.
See How to Customize Discount / Write-Off Types for more information. - For Discount Amount, use either the dollar amount or percentage field to enter the discount. The other field is populated automatically, so that both values are displayed. The Adjusted Balance is calculated.
- Use the Comments field to enter the reason for the discount.
- Click Save Changes.
When you select Write-Off:
- Select the Provider for the procedure being discounted, and the Location to apply the adjustment.
- Use the Date field to enter the service date for the write-off. This defaults to the current date; however, you can enter a previous service date.
Note: The Ledger will reflect both the service date and the transaction date that the adjustment was entered into the system. - Select the Write-Off Type from the list, or click Edit to create a new type.
See How to Customize Discount / Write-Off Types for more information. - Enter the Write-Off amount. The Adjusted Balance is calculated.
- Use the Comments field to enter the reason for the write-off.
- Click Save Changes.
When you select Refund:
- Select the Location, and enter the Refund Amount.
- Use the Date field to enter the service date for which the refund is being applied. The Ledger will reflect both the service date and the transaction date that the refund was entered into the system.
- Use the Comments field to enter the reason for the refund.
- Click Save Changes.
Adjusting the Balance During Checkout
To enter a write-off during checkout:
- From the Checkout Queue, select the patient checking out.
- Under Financials, select Adjust Balance. The Adjust Balance window is displayed.
- Select the type of adjustment: Discount, Write-Off, Refund, or Contract Adjustment (Ortho practices). The appropriate entry fields are displayed.
Note: Use the Write-Off tab to enter an Insurance write-off. This enables the software to calculate the Patient Due amount.
Adjusting Balances from Accounts Receivable
To adjust patient balances from the Accounts Receivable worklist:
- Select Location > Financial > Accounts Receivable.
- Use the filters to refine the list as needed.
- Select a patient account in the list. Summary details are displayed.
- Click Adjust Balance. The Adjust Balance window is displayed.
- Select the type of adjustment: Discount, Write-Off, or Refund. The appropriate entry fields are displayed. See How to Customize Discount / Write-Off Types for more information.
- Enter the required information and click Save Changes.
Adjusting the Balance of a Contract
You can apply a discount to a pending Ortho contract prior to activating it. To apply a discount to a pending contract:
- From the Patient tab, select Financials > Contracts. The patient's contracts are displayed.
- Select the pending contract from the panel on the left.
- Under Actions, click Edit Selected Contract.
- In the Contract Summary section, enter the Discount Amount.
- Select the Discount Type from the list, or click Edit to create a new type.
See How to Customize Discount / Write-Off Types for more information. - Click Save Contract.
Note: You can adjust a patient's current balance from your Location's Contracts list (Location > Financial > Contracts). Select the patient in the list and click Adjust Balance. You can also do this when the checking the patient out: Checkout Queue > Post Adjustment > Contract Adjustment.
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