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Accessing the Financial Daysheet and Closing the Day Recorded Class
The Financial Daysheet gives an overview of the current day's finances, including all Daily Totals, Deposit Slip, Totals Summary, and Transaction Details. Balance Adjustments, Corrections, and Removals are also included, if they are made within the same reporting period as they are posted, and if they impact the A/R calculations.
Note: See the Understanding Corrections and Removals section below for a more detailed explanation.
When you close the day, a report is generated for the elements you select, and automatically archived. You can view or print the archived reports at any time.
To access the Financial Daysheet, select Location > Financial > Daysheet. The current day's finances are displayed.
From this window, you can:
- Sort by Provider or Staff.
--If you select Provider, it is important to know that daysheet entries display the full transaction amount, and transactions might be distributed to one or more providers and/or their services.
--In some cases, the transaction counts displayed for each provider might not add up to the sum total of transactions (for the current daysheet period), as the provider-based counts include any transactions that have been distributed to that provider. If a transaction is distributed to two providers, then that transaction will be represented in the counts of each of the associated providers. - Click a line item to view details and use the links to view the item in the ledger and take additional actions.
- Use the Actions panel to print or save any section of the Daysheet as a PDF file.
- Print Deposit Slip for cash and checks to take to the bank.
- Print Totals Summary or Transaction Audit Report.
- Select Show Suppressed Transactions to display the hidden corrective transactions that do not mathematically impact the Financial Daysheet reporting.
Note: When this option is selected, suppressed transactions are displayed but are not included in the core Financial Daysheet reporting, such as Transaction Details, Deposit Slip, etc., but they are accounted for in the transaction counts and totals summary at the top of the Financial Daysheet UI as well as the subsequent transaction tables. They are also accounted for in the Transaction Audit report. - Click Close the day for [name of location] to automatically archive the Daysheet Report for this date.
Important: Perform this procedure at the end of each day. If you forget to close a day, you cannot go back to that specific day to close it. See How to Close the Day (Financial Daysheet) for more information.
Understanding Corrections and Removals
If the posting of the original transaction and its adjustments occur within the same open period (unlocked transaction), then only the A/R-impacting transactions are displayed, factored in the calculations, and included in the core reporting. Removals during the open period are not displayed. For Corrections, only the final, corrected transactions are displayed.
However, if the adjustment was made to a transaction that was already included in a previous (closed) period, then the Financial Daysheet includes any corrective transactions that are needed to explain the A/R changes. This means:
- For a Removal, the offsetting adjustment is included in the current period, but the original removed transaction is not included, as it was accounted for in a previous period that was already closed.
- For a Correction, both the offsetting adjustment and the new, resulting transaction are included in the current period. The original (corrected) transaction does not appear in this period, as it was accounted for in a previous period that was already closed.
Accessing Archived Daysheets
To access Financial Daysheet reports:
- Select Location > Archives > Archived Daysheets.
- Use the Team Member and Closing Period filters to refine the list.
For more information, see:
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