Sensei Cloud provides an Archived Bulk Statement Report list that you can use to locate and download previously-generated statement batches. This can be useful if you need to locate a previous statement for a patient or print/reprint statements.
To access Archived Bulk Statements:
- From the Location tab, select Archives > Bulk Statement Reports. The list of reports is displayed.
Note: If a report is currently being created, the Printed On column states that it is In Progress. The details in each of the columns update when the bulk statement print is complete. - Use the filters to refine the list by Team Members or Dates.
- Select the type to display: Auto Stmt, Bulk Print, or All.
- Select a report from the list to download a .PDF version of the statement batch.
Note: Bulk billing statements generated prior to March 31, 2020, are available in this list, although the Due Date and Total Amount details are not displayed.
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