Organizations that want to experience full credit card integration now have access to ePayments Secure for Sensei Cloud.
The Sensei Cloud ePayments Secure credit card devices are chip-enabled, and work with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Diners Club International credit cards, as well as Google Pay, Apple Pay, and EMV technology. Transactions are settled automatically within 24 hours.
Enrolling in the Service
To enroll in the service and initiate the setup process, contact a Carestream Dental representative at
1-800-944-6365. Representatives will work with you to provide the initial installation and setup.
After your service is activated, set the following configuration options:
Print Receipt - Select this option to print a receipt after each credit transaction. Select the number of receipts to be printed each time.
Group Transactions by Device - If you have multiple credit card devices and would like transactions grouped by device, select this option. When deselected, the report lists transactions in chronological order.
Location Defaults - For offices with multiple merchant IDs, a default merchant should be selected per location.
Manage Card Devices - Found under Actions, use this to identify each device in the software by location or computer name, and on the Transaction Report.
Using ePayments Secure in Sensei Cloud
ePayments is accessible anywhere you can post a payment in Sensei Cloud: The patient mini card, Ledger, Checkout Queue, and Accounts Receivable List. With ePayments activated, the Credit Card and Debit Card payment type descriptions are appended with ePay transaction.
Once a payment is posted, the ePayments Transaction window provides confirmation for charge information, such as the card device to use, the merchant selection, and the transaction method - insert/tap/swipe or manual entry.
Click Submit to send the charge information to the card reader for completion.
The receipt image appears on the screen and can be printed once the payment is complete.
You can also enter payment information directly into the software. The amount of the payment is obtained from the Sensei Cloud transaction and indicated on the Pay button.
Note: Required fields are indicated by an asterisk.
With the transaction complete, the payment appears on the Patient Ledger. Select the payment to display the payment details along with an option to print a receipt.
Transaction Details
To view transaction details:
- Select a line item to view the Payment Details.
- Click Transaction Details. The transaction details and authorization code are displayed.
Reverse a Payment
To reverse a payment:
- Select the transaction and click Adjust This Payment. The Adjust This Payment window is displayed.
- Select the card device selected and enter a comment.
- Click Adjust Payment. If the payment was previously settled, the funds will be refunded. If the payment was awaiting settlement, the charge will be voided.
To generate an ePayments report:
- Select Location > Financials > Daysheet.
- Under Actions, select Run ePayments Report. A PDF report is generated.
- Print or save the report.
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