In some cases within Sensei, you may find that the Payer ID provided by the payer may not have an exact match within Sensei. Below is a table of some common IDs we have been asked about to help you select the right payer in Sensei.
note: This list will continue to be updated as more instances like these are discovered.
Insurance Provided Payer ID | Sensei's Matching Payer ID |
GP1333 | 01103 |
CX083 | 01062 |
CX087 | 01100 |
CBNE1 | 00943 |
CX090 | 01074 |
CX054 | 00960 |
VACCN | 52133 |
CX061 | 00906 |
CX014 | 01136 |
CX007 | 00864 |
CDCA1 | 37004 |
CBC01 | 01195 |
CB865 | 00865 |
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