This procedure is for customers using CS Imaging and the Sensei Imaging software.
The images in a series are arranged on the monitor in a layout. A layout is a set of rules to describe the types of images to display and where to place them on the screen.
Provided layouts are:
- Grid
- 4-Bitewing (IO)
- FMX-18 (IO)
- FMX-20 (IO)
- FMX-21 (IO)
- 2-Bitewing (IO)
- 4BW 2PA (IO)
- PedoFMX (IO)
To create a layout:
- From the right toolbar, select Layouts > Edit > New Layout > New Empty Layout > New Tile. The Create Tile window is displayed.
- Enter information in the window.
- Click Create.
Note: You can also start from a template.
To import a layout file:
- Select a JSON file.
- Click Open > Import.
Caution: Placing images changes the tooth numbers associated with the images.
Caution: Placing images changes the series modality if an image of that series is placed into a tile with a
different modality.
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