Product Enhancements and New Features:
Action Required: Reinstall Imaging Bridge
As part of ongoing system improvements, you must re-install the Imaging Bridge on each computer you use to view or acquire images (Patient > Clinical > Images) or scan documents (Patient > Patient Files). For instructions, see How to Install/Reinstall the Patient Imaging Bridge.
Note: You may be required to install Windows system updates prior to reinstalling the imaging bridge. Follow the links provided in the dialog and complete any required package installation(s) prior to reinstalling the imaging bridge.
PDF File Preview Enhancement
In response to customers requests, you can now preview PDF files on-screen within Sensei Cloud. This enables you to identify and view documents without downloading them first, and also to print an entire document or selected pages directly from this interface.
This functionality applies to PDF files that were created in Sensei Cloud, such as reports and statements, and also those that were uploaded and saved into Patient Files (Patient > Patient Files).
To preview a PDF file, select the item in the Patient Files screen to expand the details, and then click Preview File. The PDF file opens in a preview window, where you can zoom and rotate as needed, or click the Print icon to print one or more pages of the document.
For more information, see How to Add and Access Patient Files.
Applied Payment Reporting Enhancements
Based on customer feedback, significant enhancements have been implemented for the Applied Payments reporting feature, improving your ability to review and report on payment distributions to providers (Location > Financials > Applied Payments). The Unapplied Payments Report is also affected (see section below). In addition, the background process has been enhanced for better speed and performance when reporting on large amounts of data.
Note: This Applied Payments feature must be enabled in Practice Settings. Select Administration > Practice Settings > Financial Rules > Credit Distribution Rules. The setting This Practice Distributes Credits must = Yes.
Summary Amounts Display
At the top of the screen, a summary of the selected report data is displayed, showing the number of payments and total amount, and the total unapplied amount still available to be distributed from these payments.
Updated Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
In the banner area of the screen, you can view the specific KPI amounts for the time period and criteria selected in the Filter List.
Note: These amounts were previously documented on the printed report, but are now displayed in the same manner on-screen.
Pre-Payment Distr. (+) Service Distr. (=) Gross Distr. (-) Distr. Reversals (=) Net/Applied Distributed
- Pre-Payment amounts are received/applied to a provider prior to charges being posted.
- Service distribution amounts are the distributions made to procedure-based charges.
- Gross distribution is the sum of the first two amounts.
- Distribution reversals are amounts changed or deleted from pre-payment or service distributions.
- The Net/Applied Distribution amount is Gross Distribution minus any reversals.
Note: Write-offs are not included in these calculations, but can be displayed by selecting the Include Write-Offs filter. Any items displayed in gray italics (such as write-offs, discounts, or refunds) are informational, but not included in the KPI calculations.
Note: Credits that have been adjusted (corrected or removed) are automatically included when they contain distribution activity that occurred during the reporting period. When present, these credits are displayed in red italics. Applicable pre-payment distributions, service distributions, and distribution reversals from any of the adjusted payments are included in the calculated values.
TIP: Click the icon on the top of the screen to display a description of each KPI for the selected report and additional Helpful Hints.
Filters / Column Display Enhancements
Use the filter options to precisely define the information in the table for the intended report. These options have been enhanced based on customer requests.
Credits Earned - This filter enables you to select not only a time period (i.e. month, quarter, custom) but also whether those dates are pulled from Acceptance Date (date payment was received by the practice) or Transaction Date (date payment was entered into the computer). The Acceptance Date corresponds to the Svc/Acc Date column in the table.
Applied Details (this period) - This column now includes icons to alert you to additional information.
A provider's net distribution activity includes pre-payment distributions (i.e., applied directly to a provider rather than a specific service item or debit) within the selected reporting period.
There has been a distribution reversal (an existing distribution has been removed or altered) within the selected reporting period.
Net Applied Amount (this period) - This column now includes an icon to alert you to additional information.
The credit has other, additional distribution activity outside of the reporting period.
- To access details, click the line item, and then select View in Patient's Ledger or View Distribution Detail.
TIP: Click the icon on the Filter List to display a description of each filter and additional Helpful Hints.
Unapplied Payments Report
Select the Only Show Credits with Unapplied Funds option from the Filter List to create an Unapplied Payments report. When this filter is selected, the KPI data in the banner reflects these numbers.
# of Credits: Total Amount (=) Net Applied/Distributed (+) Unapplied/Undistributed
These KPIs reflect:
- The Number of Credits containing any undistributed funds for the selected reporting period.
- The Total Amount of these credits.
- The Net Applied/Distributed amounts already distributed from these credits.
- The remaining Unapplied/Undistributed amount from these credits.
The Unapplied Payments report automatically includes distribution activity associated with all provider(s) and any distribution date. When the Only Show Credits with Unapplied Funds filter is selected, these filters default to All and are disabled.
Note: The Applied Details column displays information (including any reversals) when a portion of the payment/credit has been applied.
Service/Acceptance Date on Exported and Printed Reports
The Acceptance Date (Svc/Acc Date column) was added to the printed and exported versions of the report.
For more information, see How to Access and Report on Applied Payments.
Patient Watch Enhancements
In response to customer feedback, Patient Watches can once again be reviewed and managed from the patient chart:
- US practices - Patient > Clinical > Hard Tissue Chart
- UK practices - Patient > Clinical > Dental Chart
A hyperlink is displayed in the banner with the number of active watches for the patient. Click the hyperlink to expand a summary, and then click in the summary to expand the details.
The watch details include the tooth number or associated anatomy of each watch, and an optional brief description.
To add a new watch, click Add New.
For more information, see How to Create, Edit, or Delete a Watch for a Patient.
Service Location Descriptions (US Only)
Descriptions have been added to the Place of Service Code selection options in the Service Location Settings (Administration > Locations > Service Locations), enabling you to more easily identify the correct code when defining service locations (where work is performed outside the standard office location) for your practice.
For more information, see How to Add Service Locations.
NHS Claims - CCN 68 Requirements (UK Only)
Sensei Cloud has been updated to meet the latest requirements for CCN 68, effective for NHS claims accepted on or after 1 April 2024. This includes updates to standard UDA band charges in both England and Wales.
Defects and Small Enhancements
Ten additional items were addressed.
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